About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This is a one-stop site where i will post entries about my life, as generally as my interest(s), updates and mostly on how i see things that's happening around me. Some entries might be emotional-fused, so please don't judge me, for i am just being true to myself.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The most stupid "babi!"


Yesterday, at 05:41:47 pm 2009-05-13, i got a text message from this "babi!" that i don't even know, and for crying out loud, i would not want to know either.

Here is the unpleasant Short Messaging Service (SMS) conversation between me and the "babi!" :

016607**8* : Hye awk

Me : Hi..may i know who's there?

016607**8* : Forget it. U lupe i ni.

Me : What?! Then u got the wrong person..! So rude.

016607**8* : Fuck u!

...and i never replied to "babi!"...Dah lah haram, kurang ajar "babi!" tu macam mak dia tak ada gigi untuk pernah ajar dia untuk bersopan. Takde budi bahasa betul!!! I wonder if he kisses his mom with that mouth...?!

Hahaha...Best tak...?
I'm so pissed at the moment. Menyirap aku!

Bodoh punya "babi!"!!! Jenis "babi!" ni, dah tak boleh samak dah, sebab tergolong dalam najis yang lebih besar dari najis mukhaladzah. Najis babi hutan lagi bersih dari "babi!" tu.
Babi punya "babi!"!!!


My emotional state : Killing people...!


Unknown said...

ok.....ko expect dia belajar bersopan...so lepas ni ko pun kene belajar bersopan juga....serta kene belajar makna bersabar tu ye....trima kasey.....heheh

lifeashisyam said...

Hahaha...Kalau org bersopan dengan aku, maka secara normal nya aku akan bersopan...Thanks.

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