Dream - The "Rippled" persona
Yes. It's a subject not everyone enjoyed talking about. Me? I really don't want to talk much about it. As i am now, it's probably just another phase of my thinking in process of being an adult. Mind my age, though. Some had said i was way beyond my age, but that's not entirely true. Never mind the fuss about me, and move along here.I am not an aged guy yet, but as i told frequently to some people, i think a lot better when I'm not well. Being in this unconditionally sickened state, i get to hear myself better, so to speak.Not really a wise guy, either.
Just a normal guy who wished to speak out his mind once in a while, hoping that people could say, "Hey, i know that feeling, too!", upon reading this blabbers of mine.
Bah, who am i kidding, huh?
Dreams. What do we all humans have in common?
However it may seem glad for some to be able to dream, metaphorically or under the state of not being conscious, we all dreamed. Life was all managed and circulated by dreams - it pushes us forward, number of minors got the reversed common effects by it, sometime hits rock bottom, too. Whatever to where ever it leads us to, it's called dream. One sees them as visions, perhaps while one other see dreams as something to pass by without any significance meaning of it.
I see my dreams as never ending ripple of my life. Have you ever dropped a pebble in the lake in a vertical manner? What does it produce when the pebble finally hits the surface of the water in the lake? Yes. It produces ripple on it. Can you count the numbers of the circle of ripple produced upon that simple act? I know i can't.
It's nearly impossible. NOT IF YOU CHEAT, AND TOOK A VIDEO CAMERA ALONG WITH YOU. If you do that, then it's pointless to read this further on. :)
Can you see what i am trying to say? Or perhaps my consolatory methods isn't that accurate? Let me put it this way, then.
**Do view the diagram in a new window. It will be a LOT bigger.**
[Diagram here]
Diagram 1 : The "Rippled" Persona
There are 3 easy points to endeavor to :
Point A - X
Point B - 5
Point C - 9
Now, before you continue reading, PLEASE MAKE A CHOICE either X, 5 or 9. That will determine your characters later. See if you're lying to yourself or not.
[A moment of Silence]
Great. Now you have a point to start with. Stick with it.
A ripple starts with a small but powerful wave; projecting a bigger one with less power, and the cycle continues for hundred more times. This however, to make it simpler, let's just say it produced 9 sets of ripples. (No, you still won't be able to count ripples! Pay attention) :)
Here's the catch - I won't tell you, YET...!
The Point of 9.
Let me start with the biggest one. The point of 9. Upon choosing this, you know that you are very possessive of your surroundings. You know many things, you do many things, u gain many things and yes, you are good at what you do. But life is all about understanding how it works. By gaining and doing so much, you lost "yourself" in the process of it. You know things you don't but you don't know the things you already do. That is what being a majority in the ripple. The point of 9 is the weakest link, though it seems big and well spread over.
It may be harsh for some, but if you understand my earlier paragraphs before the diagram was put, you wouldn't have chosen the point of 9. For you, the bigger frying pan would be the instrument in your life, neglecting the smaller details in life. The point of 9s will profusely try to emerge victorious in any way possible,leaving things behind, and sometimes wiping out anything on its way.
Wait, it's not that scary.
The Point of 5.
Now, the point of 5. The intermediate of things. For those who chose the point of 5. Well done, but you're not exactly the better ones among those 3 points in the diagram. Why? Read more.
Then, the point of 5 lies in the middle. Yes, in the middle of everything. Talk about being neutral in your surroundings. One point to be said that most of the times, being neutral is close enough to get you out in harms way, so i said. Then again, it's not really a good spot to be in, when you have to make a decision, now, am i right? The point of 5 is considered being the un-surety of decision making for short. Even though its slightly stronger than the later point of 9, it still trembles of uncertainties. It's the feeling of cavened in by the surroundings.
You go with the flow. Why do i say this?
Try making ripples on the water surface. Even though the point of 5s will lead to create ripple to the point of 9s, but watch carefully. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand this. Just a simple and extra observation would do the explaining. Can you see that, a tiny wave created by the point of 9s ARE ACTUALLY PUSHING BACK to the point of 5s? Not really that powerful, too, huh? It's like holding a shovel on a concrete foundation, literally.
Naturally a good follower and very adapting to its surrounding, even though you kept getting pushed back and forth, but that makes you a very diplomatic person.
The Point of X.
Have you started to wonder why i labeled it the point of "X", rather to simply put a "1" on it? It would not be "1" because the ripples don't create themselves. At some point, it has to be caused by something. In relation to life, these ripples are caused by people. Probably by a single individual or a great number of people, in accordance to many possibilities.
The Point of X - The earliest visible ones to emerge. Small. Very powerful, timid and very aggresive but not to the point of self-centered. You know what you want in life, you are very persistent, very accurate in making judgments; you hold the key of success. You have what it takes to be a leader. But don't get cocky yet. Everything has its greyer side. Being a leader you need to have the "x" factor. (I can't believe what i just typed coz it sounds so Cliche)
X factor - The factor of being different, always trying to push hard because you are small in size. There are numbers of ripples surrounding you, and you don't want to be swallowed alive. You create a barrier which is the points of 5s ; those that would help you accordingly. Still, remember what the point of 5s can do. They are very neutral, and probably would stick a fork on your back. So, the point of Xs will be very selective in everything they do, sometimes very choosy, depending on what they favour or dislike, and sometime these point of Xs would get very defensive and have the point of 5s taken over. The point of Xs are very hard and very fragile at the same time.
Remember the cause and effects of the later points of ripples? Point of 9s and 5s will push back, and the amount of pressure is doubled! Yes, a strong leader is nothing compared to what the other points can do...
...and the point of Xs would be the first ones to disappear.
So, any change of mind? :)
Me? Don't ask. I don't know.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Rippled Persona - Which one?
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