About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This is a one-stop site where i will post entries about my life, as generally as my interest(s), updates and mostly on how i see things that's happening around me. Some entries might be emotional-fused, so please don't judge me, for i am just being true to myself.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lost of the Last Card of Sanity

Someone told me that year 2010 would not be so great for me. I tried not to listen. I have always been a fighter. I will do what it takes to see things the right way. It seems he was somehow right. I have been struggling. Hard. My emotions get so unstable sometimes. I can't figure out even the simplest things, i can't see things that are so obvious, being around a lot disappointments. Why?

I can't answer that. I am just tired.

And today, i have done something i would never thought of doing. I guess, life had pushed me too far. Life had already reacted to my change. Seem like it's taking me down with it. And probably some people, too. No, i am not being paranoid at all. I have been in this state for a few years now. So have i learned to let go.

I have lost my last card of sanity. That last card is a savior of mine. Someone that i have been looking up to.

Now i am left with a tiny shard of what i used to have. Writing this down is very hard. I have thousand pauses in between, seems like my fingers are shaking, trembling as much as i don't even know what i have done. And at this moment i am not sure as to why i am feeling very broken. Why am i feeling the guilt? I really wanted to scream my life out. I should have never done it!!! I am so shrouded with negative emotions lately!!! Why am i so easily tempered?!

I AM SO SORRY! I COULDN'T HELP TO BE DISAPPOINTED AGAIN...! I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT I DID THAT TO HELP MYSELF. Because no one can. Not even you can help me in this state i am in. I may lead a happy life ahead of me, but that's probably from the external perspective.

I regret saying what i said. But i can never regret my actions.

I just hope you would understand this, and for the last time, i am sorry. Sorry for being so uptight towards you. I would never want this to end. I know my words aren't the kindest of words. I am just being truthfully sincere.

I have said too much. I will take my leave now.

I just wanted 1 last thing. Don't forget to say Goodbye to me if you decide to go. If you see me smiling, maybe it isn't so. It's me struggling to be strong. I forgot how to smile for something that's isn't there. You'd understand me. You're the only one who could.

Emotional State : Full of unbalanced emotions. LOST.