About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This is a one-stop site where i will post entries about my life, as generally as my interest(s), updates and mostly on how i see things that's happening around me. Some entries might be emotional-fused, so please don't judge me, for i am just being true to myself.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I would do the exact same thing to my Ex-boyfriend...

I was scrounging through my computers yesterday and i discover few old videos i own (downloaded). I came across this funny promo video (supposedly banned, which i don't exactly know why) of Devil May Cry video game for Sony Playstation 2 gaming console.

So, i am posting it here, just to share this hilarious promo video.
I have weak bladder since i first saw this ad. Hahahaha...!!!

My emotional state : Giggly...