About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This is a one-stop site where i will post entries about my life, as generally as my interest(s), updates and mostly on how i see things that's happening around me. Some entries might be emotional-fused, so please don't judge me, for i am just being true to myself.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Photography - My eyes


Well, photography as one can see as merely taking pictures, is also one of my interest. Since i first held a Single-Lens Reflex camera (SLR) when studying in an Univercity in Shah Alam, Malaysia (Universiti Teknologi Mara, UiTM Shah Alam), i immediately fell for it, in terms of the technicalities and functions.

I saw many beautiful photographs while i was younger, and thought on how those pictures were taken, what did the photographers used, that is. It was riddling at first, but when i get the opportunity to hold a Nikon FM 10, i was majestically astonished! So heavy, yet, so mesmerising.

Now, for starter, i own a Nikon D80 Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera (DSLR). It cost me a whooping sum of money (Hahaha...!!! Gatal nak minat, siapa suruh...). I even bought some of the basic equipment with it and it is just sufficient to assist me in the process of taking photographs.

Anyway, this is some of the photographs i took, and i hope the audience will like it...