About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This is a one-stop site where i will post entries about my life, as generally as my interest(s), updates and mostly on how i see things that's happening around me. Some entries might be emotional-fused, so please don't judge me, for i am just being true to myself.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Confused, Happy, Disoriented, Mixed Up

Confused as to what i should do to have things back to the way it were...

Happy because i finally heard those words she said...

Disoriented as i could not make things crystal clear to those i love...

Mixed up as i can't find the right words to express of how much i regret some thngs i didn't do...


Because this is who i am and what i want.

I just hoped for the best for you, where ever you may be, whom ever you may be with, whatever you choose to decide, whenever you may decide for this to end and whichever paths we chose, that may leas to the end of the road for us, i just want you to know that i am honored to have known you all this while, and i never regretted all thing we've gone through during our moments together.

I know that you are praying for me, and so, i am praying for you - to have a better life ahead and hoped that you let the past be the past, as there is no use in reminiscing memories that might case the wound to bleed, causing unbearable pain.

I am sorry for not be able to fulfill your desires, for whatever it may be.

I am sorry for not being able to be the one you hoped for.

I am sorry for any mistakes i may have done in the past.

I am,


My emotional state : Speechless, but life's go on.